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Internal Bending Spring


Bend 12/16 PEX-AL-PEX (Polyethylene -Aluminium – polyethylene Structure) without kinks!

SKU: TOOSB Category:

Internal Bending Spring is used to fit inside 12/16 PEX-AL-PEX (Polyethylene -Aluminium – polyethylene Structure) pipe so that you can bend the gas pipe without causing a sharp kink in the gas pipe. A kink in the gas pipe could stop all flowing gas from reaching the end-destination. This can also become a safety hazard as the gas will build up within the pipes and could start leaking. This Internal Bending Spring is designed to keep safety and convenience in mind for gas installers, to make their work safer and look more professional.

Weight 0.6 kg

Internal Bending Spring 12/16, Internal Bending Spring 20/25

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